Dental Implants

Dental implants for a new beautiful smile

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are the closest you can get to a new set of permanent teeth. Before we had dental implants, the only option for someone missing a few teeth was to get a bridge and the issues that came along with them. Dentures were the only option for someone who needed a full mouth of new teeth. Now we have a better option! Dental implants are a surgically implanted prosthesis.

How do dental implants work?

An implant is put in surgically. They make an opening in the gums down to the jawbone. The implant is screwed into the jawbone and becomes a root for the crown. The crown is placed on the implant. These permanent implants can last up to 30 years. They will look and feel like natural teeth.

Implants vs. dentures

There are many differences between dentures and implants. People  often  assume they can’t afford implants, but the cost of maintenance over time for all the repairs and required adhesives can be shocking. Dentures require you to remove and clean them. Often you need to return to the dentist many times to have them resized to fit your mouth just right. Dentures tend to slip and move while eating, talking and laughing. One of the most bothersome effect of dentures is the loss of your jawbone over time. The deterioration of your jawbone will cause your appearance to change.
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Implants — Dental Implant in Allentown, PA
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Why should you get dental implants?

  • Will not chip or break 
  • Will not cause jaw stress from chewing
  • Looks beautiful and natural
  • Feels great in your mouth, like your natural teeth
    • Will stay looking great, no staining 
    • Will not retain odor causing bad breath
    • No restrictions on what you can eat or drink
    • Protect against loss of jawbone
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      Dentist — Dental Implant in Allentown, PA
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